Did you know that you could get extra cash back, 5% of your total expenditure on the book on Amazon? Yes, we are not joking! If you use Paytm, this is the best deal that you can get. We have found out a service which will help you buy books at the best prices with extra 5% cashback on Paytm of the price you pay on Amazon. Desi Readers, a popular online portal for book reviews, interviews and author stories, has done a special tie-up with Amazon India and they are offering this service to the buyers from India. You need to tell them the name of your book and the staff from Desi Readers will get back to you through WhatsApp. They will offer you the link to buy your book and you will need to provide them with the proof of your purchase. Once cleared, you will get the 5% cashback on your Paytm account after one day. This service is being appreciated by the readers very much. 

How to get the Paytm Cash Back? 
WhatsApp the name of the book you want to get or the link of the book on Amazon to 8873371309. You will receive the Amazon link to purchase the book within 15-20 minutes. Buy the book from the given link and send your confirmation screenshot to the same number. You will get your 5% Paytm cash back upon the completion of the process. 
About Desi Readers: Desi Readers is a fastly growing community of the book reviewers who are making things happen. The provide book reviews, best offers on the books, author interviews, and many other things on their website. You can also follow them on twitter and like them on Facebook. Th link to their website is given below: 
by a TBB staff

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