Title: Intuition: Knowing Beyond Logic

Author: Osho

Genre: Spirituality, Self-help, Philosophy

Publication: Griffin, December 2001

Review by: Nitish K



Intuition: Knowing Beyond Logic by Osho is a profound exploration of the human mind’s intuitive capabilities. It emphasises the importance of moving beyond the confines of logic to tap into a deeper, more innate understanding of life. Osho, a renowned spiritual teacher known for his revolutionary ideas and controversial perspectives, delves into the nature of intuition and its pivotal role in achieving self-realisation and enlightenment.



The book is structured into several discourses, each shedding light on different aspects of intuition. Osho begins by distinguishing between intellect and intuition, arguing that while intellect is a product of societal conditioning and education, intuition is an inherent, spontaneous quality that lies dormant within each individual. He suggests that modern society’s overreliance on logic has suppressed this intuitive ability, leading to a disconnect from our true selves.

Osho’s approach to intuition is holistic, incorporating insights from various spiritual traditions and contemporary psychological theories. He provides practical exercises and meditative techniques designed to awaken and cultivate intuition, encouraging readers to listen to their inner voice and trust their instincts.



Osho’s discourse on intuition is both enlightening and thought-provoking. His critique of the modern emphasis on logic and reason resonates deeply, especially in an age dominated by technology and data-driven decision-making. Osho’s assertion that intuition is a forgotten language that connects us to the universe and our essence is compelling and invites readers to reevaluate their approach to knowledge and understanding.


Comparative Analysis:

It is valuable to compare “Intuition: Knowing Beyond Logic” with other notable works in the spirituality and self-help genre to provide a more comprehensive perspective.

1. The Power of Intuition by Gary Klein:
Klein’s work is grounded in cognitive psychology and focuses on the practical applications of intuition in decision-making, particularly in high-stress professions. Unlike Osho, Klein’s approach is more scientific and empirical, offering case studies and research findings to support his theories. While Osho delves into intuition’s spiritual and philosophical dimensions, Klein provides a more tangible, evidence-based perspective.

2. Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking by Malcolm Gladwell:
Gladwell’s “Blink” explores the power of snap judgments and gut feelings, echoing Osho’s belief in the reliability of intuition. However, Gladwell’s narrative is more accessible to a general audience and focuses on how intuitive judgments can be beneficial and flawed. Osho’s work, in contrast, maintains a more esoteric tone, emphasising the intangible nature of intuition and its role in spiritual growth.

3. The Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav:
Zukav’s book shares Osho’s spiritual orientation and discusses the concept of multisensory perception, which aligns with Osho’s views on intuition. Both authors advocate for a shift from external validation to internal awareness. However, Zukav’s approach focuses more on the soul’s evolution and alignment with spiritual laws. In contrast, Osho’s work is more centred on the immediate experience of intuition and its practical cultivation through meditation.



1. Depth of Insight:
Osho’s profound understanding of human psychology and spirituality is evident throughout the book. His ability to articulate complex ideas in a relatable manner is commendable, making the subject of intuition accessible to readers from various backgrounds.

2. Practical Guidance:
The book’s significant strength is its inclusion of exercises and meditative practices. These practical tools enable readers to actively engage with the material and apply Osho’s teachings daily.

3. Holistic Approach:
Osho’s integration of diverse spiritual traditions and modern psychological theories provides a well-rounded perspective on intuition. This holistic approach enhances the book’s appeal to a broad audience interested in spirituality and personal development.



1. Esoteric Language:
Osho’s writing can sometimes be dense and esoteric, which may be challenging for readers unfamiliar with spiritual or philosophical terminology. While his insights are profound, the language may require additional effort to be fully grasped.

2. Controversial Views:
Osho’s unconventional views and past controversies may deter some readers. Though thought-provoking, his critiques of organised religion and societal norms might be perceived as radical by more conservative audiences.

3. Lack of Empirical Evidence:
Unlike works by authors such as Gary Klein, Osho’s book lacks empirical evidence and scientific backing. While this aligns with the book’s spiritual focus, readers seeking concrete data and research might find this lacking.



Intuition: Knowing Beyond Logic by Osho is a valuable contribution to the literature on spirituality and self-help. It challenges readers to rethink their reliance on logic and embrace the power of intuition as a pathway to deeper self-awareness and enlightenment. While the book’s esoteric language and controversial views may challenge some readers, the depth of insight and practical guidance make it worthwhile for those seeking to explore the realms beyond logic.

Compared to other works in the genre, Osho’s unique blend of spirituality and psychology sets this book apart as a distinctive and thought-provoking exploration of the human mind’s hidden potential. For readers open to exploring beyond conventional boundaries, Osho’s teachings offer a transformative journey into the heart of intuition.


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