Hurried read vs long-street read is a debate which does never seem to be ending among the readers of various kinds. There are the readers who love to read books on the weekends and there are the readers who love to find out some time for reading throughout the week and enjoy reading their favourite books. Which kind of reader you are? If you are on the side of A, you will surely say that B is bad; and if you are on the side of B, you are supposed to defend B and attack A. 

Well, I am not taking any side and I am just stating my opinions here. I am a reader who can fit himself under any given circumstances. I can very well read on the weekdays and I can suit myself reading my favourite books on the weekends too. However, the question is – is reading a book too fast good idea? Should we begin a book on Saturday and finish it on the next day, Sunday? Is that useful and pleasant? Or we should just read the book in pieces throughout the week and give it proper time? I will try to establish my views on this debate. 
For the starters, reading is a process which must be different for everyone in the terms of their approach. Someone might like a hurried read with the speed of bullet train and others might like their local train speed in the terms of reading books. It purely depends on their capability of comprehension and digestion of the fiction of non-fiction, whatever they read. If I find a book just the usual fiction next door, I will surely love to finish it as fast as I can because I want to move on and start something different. If I find a book which demands my attention and a little time to get the underlying idea, I will surely be ready to spend a few days of my reading routine with that book and understand it fully so that I can say that yeah, I have read the book and I fully get what the author meant at different points which might be ambiguous. Sure, some books are there which demand our attention and an active mindedness while reading. 
Therefore, there is no use saying that faster reading or a slow read is bad. It purely is the question of the content of the book as well as the comprehension of the reader. I am not sure any of the Chetan Bhagat’s book would need more than one day (or two in extreme cases) to be read. Whereas, begin reading William Thackeray and you will surely find that you need more than a week (might be). Thackeray demands attention and logic to be applied while reading; Chetan Bhagat needs you to just savour his content and be pleased! 
So friends, you just need to be the readers without worrying what type of reader you are. Just make sure that you don’t spend too much time with the books which don’t deserve hours. And also, make sure that you don’t miss giving a few of your days to the books which deserve those precious time. Be a good reader! Happy Reading! 
by a TBB contributor 

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