As we promised earlier, we are here with the review of this super amazing spiritual book by Ananda Karunesh – A Thousand Seeds of Joy. In this book, we have found so many qualities which can be highlighted for the readers and will be done. The review has been written by Suraj and he will walk you through the contents of this book as well as his opinion on the same. Enjoy! 

Right from the cover, you just cannot ignore this book. It has a serene outlook which attracts the minds of the readers and, in a way, persuades them to go through it. I finished reading the book recently and just to confirm my understanding of the selected parts of the book, I re-read it. That gave me a better picture and enabled me to write a review. I will break my review into parts which will make it easy for the readers to understand why they should read this book. 

Concept: Ananda Karunesh is a seasoned spiritualist and has been practising meditation and spirituality for more than three decades. As he conveys in the book, it becomes certainly possible for a mortal being to connect with the divine ones if done properly and with dedication. As it stands, the author is talking to Lakshmi and Saraswati – do you see it? So, this concept is more than enough to create curiosity and once you start reading the book, you will actually like it! You can read the book just for the sake of a beautiful concept on which the literary work of art is based. 

Content: I can understand there will be many readers who won’t believe what the author claims – just like me! And it is justified as well, how can someone believe that a person is talking to Goddesses just like we talk to friends and family. However, once I read the book, my doubt was limited – how did he do it? The content of the book is vast, authoritative and persuasive as well. Ananda’s concept of talking to Goddesses and other divine beings is simple – just practise and you will get there and the same is told by the Goddess as well. So, on the front of content as well, the book stands tall! 

The Arguments: Questions asked by the author are the questions that we all want answers. And we have to thank the author for giving us the opportunity to understand what we wanted to understand since always. The arguments are wide and cover a wide range of issues related to humanity, the human beings, soul, divinity, meditations, incarnation, east-west civilisation and so on… So, there are many things in the book that you will certainly enjoy reading! 

My Opinion: The book A Thousand Seeds of Joy is a must-read! I am certain that my opinion will resemble the opinions of many other readers because there are so many things in the book to enjoy and so many things to be read carefully and understood completely. There is a discussion about Draupadi and how was she the face of feminism in spite of having 5 husbands! The Goddess speaks about Sita when the author asks and tells him how Sita became the father-figure of feminist as well as divine values. The Goddess also talks of Eve and Buddha’s wife… There are discussions on meditation and other ways to teach one’s soul to focus… many things are there to be read and understood and enjoyed! 

Where to get the book? 

Please click on the link to Amazon India below and get a copy of the book: 

Buy Ananda’s book – Click here to buy from Amazon

review by Suraj for The Best Books 

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