Anita Krishan’s latest novel, Despite Stolen Dreams, was published last year and since the publication, the novel has been very popular among the critical readers and the readers who want to read novels with a resolve rather than fiction with mere entertainment. I have finished this novel last week and today I find myself very much in a mood to let the readers know what do I feel about this fiction book. So, let’s get into the book review mood directly. Without taking so much of your time, I will tell you the good, the better and the best in the novel.
Despite Stolen Dreams is a novel which is based on the issue of terrorism in Kashmir; this will be the first thought of the readers who will start reading this novel. However, as you move ahead, you will realise, like I did, that this novel is about the need of love and affection and a family and good world in general. The protagonist is an aged person, Wali Khan. He has to run away from Kashmir, his homeland, saving his life and his family. He settles in Delhi with his son and starts a new life which he finds rather odd at the beginning until he finds Kashmira Singh, a happy old-age chap, a true Sardar Ji.
Once the friendship of these two old gentlemen starts, the novel takes a very emotional turn. They make the readers experience the life a totally different way – they make many lives around them happy and complete before the tragedy – Kashmira dies. Wali finds himself lonely again and he tries to keep himself busy but finds it difficult. Before he could make ways with life again, the terrorists from Kashmir come to Delhi, with a plan to set Delhi on fire on the republic day. Wali is once again in danger as, in the end, the same thing repeats – he and his family are under the gunpoint and they find no escape. Will it end this way?
I have briefed the story of the novel to the readers; believe me, that’s enough a reason for you to read the novel. Moreover, I have many other things to tell about the novel Despite Stolen Dreams. Anita Krishan is a seasoned author and she has used a very beautiful technique to tell her story – something between a true classic and a modern novel. Her language, you will find it yourself, has been immensely remarkable. The word choices, the phrasing skills and also the use of analogies. Another good thing about the novel is its theme – wide and encompassing rather than being contracted and limited. I bet you might not have read a novel as broad as this in the recent years!
To conclude the story, you should read the novel by Anita. You will like it, and you will love it if you are also a reader looking for something substantial enough to withstand your needs from a novel in the modern times! You can get your copy of Despite Stolen Dreams from the Amazon link below:
review by Kavish for TBB