I too had a love story is just another casual and sentimental attempt at a romantic novel that tries to attract the readers by portraying the lover in a weaker state after his beloved’s tragic departure. If you see it by this angle, I am sure you will find nothing except the use of romantic instances in the book to keep the readers attracted and that’s all. However, if you go through it carefully, you might find one or two features that will force you to think why the novel is very popular among the youths.
Youths of the day do want to read romantic novels but not on the cost of their precious time. They want to enjoy the pleasures of reading fiction but without being vexed to decode or decrypt the meaning for long. In short, they want to read fiction but they want to read the novels which are written in simple language and tell plain stories without more twists and turns that may end it confusingly. And that is why you find that novels like 2 States are very popular among youths in India.
Coming to I too had a love story by Ravinder Singh, what’s there to be read? A boy and a girl and they fall in love and they get ready to marry and the girl dies and the boy is left alone. However, the way things have been described in between makes the novel a well-read version of a simple love story. Ravinder Singh has kept his language simple and he has let the story unfold in a fashion that most of us would like to see. And this is the reason that even the best book review websites in India have rated the book very well. He did not try to make his love affair highly romantic or heightened to the heights of platonic love. His story is humane and that’s why readers can easily connect with the idea of the story and they begin feeling for the boy when he is left alone and the sympathy factor works in favour of the author as he has touted it as his own love story. That’s the game here, guys! Those readers who haven’t read the book yet can get a copy from Amazon.
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